Hindi Medium Class 11 Maths NCERT Solutions - Part 1 app is specially designed for the CBSE class 11 students to help them prepare for their exams. It also helps them throughout the year to complete their homework on time and double check the answers.Index (सूची) :-अध्याय 1: समुच्चयअध्याय 2: सम्बन्ध एवं फलनअध्याय 3: त्रिकोणमितीय फलनअध्याय 4: गणितीय आगमन का सिद्धांतअध्याय 5: सम्मिश्र संख्याएँ और द्विघातीय समीकरणअध्याय 6: रैखिक असमिकाएअध्याय 7: क्रमचय एवं संचयअध्याय 8: द्विपद प्रमेयअध्याय 9: अनुक्रम तथा श्रेणीMain Features:★ This app is in easy English Language.★ Simple app. Works offline. No internet connection needed!★ Professionally designed, user-friendly and intuitive interface.★ Clear Font for better readability.★ Easy to use.★ Zooming AvailableDISCLAIMER : Owner of this application do not have any right on the content and images present in this application because all the content is collected from internet.